First open XD

Create a custom file that is 1000 px wide and 1000 px height

Now select the square tool and draw a rectangle that is 734 width and 340 height

And place the rectangle you just created at the bottom of the file and change the color to #0F29DD

Now create a triangle that is 443 width and 352 height

Change the color to #FF0000 and place the triangle at the center then slightly offset to the left

Create another triangle with the size 409 x 395 and the color #AD2349

Place the triangle that you just created at the same position and drag it lower than the first triangle

Now create a rectangle with the size 95 x 454 and the fill color stays the same

Place the rectangle on top of the first rectangle and place it to the right

Now save the file and export your final product to Github

my drawing Brenda's drawing